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Discover our service: Commercial Follow up

Enhancing your business with limited means is now possible. We put at your disposal business professionals with a recognized expertise who will have a as mission to develop your customers portfolio.

Description of the service:

We put at your disposal an experienced business development profile, employed by our business council.

  • Sectoral expert, bilingual and with experience in business project management.
  • Adaptable to your budget, paid only for the time used on the project.
  • Reinvoicing of expenses used for project management (petrol, parking …)

The commercial follow up can help you at different levels:

  • Business representation : contacts management and follow up , communication with your local customers , logistical help
  • Prospection : targeting direct contacts and meeting with prospects to present your product or service  
  • Promotion: increase of your visibility (communication, networking...).

Our team shares with you the results through a regular reporting

For more info, please contact our Deputy Director Milena Chemin at milena.chemin(@)

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