Business Engagement Summit 2020
Langue(s) de l'événement
Tarif :
Membres du FBC: 850AED (TVA incl.)
Non-Membres du FBC: 1500 AED (VAT incl.)
L'événement est terminé.
Roads and Transport Authority et le French Business Council ont le plaisir d’organiser la troisième édition du Sommet UAE-France sur les solutions de mobilité durable et futuriste le mardi 3 Mars 2020.
Saisissez cette occasion unique de rencontrer les preneurs de décision des multinationales et des startups françaises dans les secteurs des transports et de la mobilité.
Suite au succès de la deuxième édition en 2019, RTA et la Chambre de Commerce Française pour Dubaï et les Emirats du Nord ont convenu d'organiser un troisième Sommet en 2020 afin de poursuivre le dialogue franco-émirien sur les solutions de mobilité durable et futuriste.
Cet événement vise à :
- renforcer les liens commerciaux entre RTA et le monde des affaires français,
- travailler sur des domaines potentiels de coopération mutuelle qui présentent un intérêt immédiat pour Roads and Transport Authority (RTA).
C'est aussi un appel aux talents français du secteur des transports et des innovations urbaines pour proposer de nouvelles technologies et de nouveaux modèles économiques.
- 8h-8h40 | Inscription et welcome coffee
- 8h40-8h45 | "Swap Card app" introduction by the Master of Ceremony
- 8h45-9h05 | Cérémonie d'ouverture
- H.E. Mattar Al TAYER, Chairman and Executive Director of Roads and Transport Authority
- H.E. Ludovic POUILLE, Ambassador of France to the United Arab Emirates
- 9h05-9h15 | Keynote speech : RTA's TOP PROJECT PRESENTATION
- Dr. AbdelMalek Ibrahim ABU SHEIKH - Manager, Transportation Policy and Planning, Roads & Transport Authority (RTA)
- 9h15-10h00 | PANEL 1: Sustainable Mobility
- Nada JASSIM, Director of Security and Risk Management and Planning at the Department of Corporate Strategy - Roads and Transport Authority (RTA)
- Philippe DIEBOLD, Chief Technical Officer - RATP Dev
- Cecile TEXIER, VP Sustainability & CSR - ALSTOM
- Stephan GOBERT, Head of Strategy - ENGIE
- Marielle VILLAMAUX, Chief Client Officer - TRANSDEV
- Moderator: Joseph SALEM, Principal at Arthur D Little Middle East, Global Head of International Affairs in ADL Travel & Transportation Practice
- 10h00-10h20 | Business Case “From internal data valorization to external data monetization: how to take advantage of all the public transport data?”
- Guillaume MARTINETTI, Chief Data Officer - RATP Dev
- Eng Muna Al OSAIMI, Director of the Transportation Strategic Planning Department - Roads and Transport Authority (RTA) - Roads and Transport Authority (RTA)
- Marc GRANGER, Chief Strategy Officer - ALSTOM
- Vincent CABANES, Senior Manager – International Business Development - VULOG
- Moderator: Joseph SALEM, Principal at Arthur D Little Middle East, Global Head of International Affairs in ADL Travel & Transportation Practice
- 11h00–11h30 | Coffee Break and Networking
- Pitch session aims to provide startupper and creative minds, working in the various fields of smart mobility and blockchain, a unique opportunity to pitch their business ideas to RTA specialists - Moderator: Jean-Luc SCHERER, Founder & CEO - Innoopolis
- 11h30-12h30 | BtoB meetings and interactions in the pre-function of the Auditorium with the support of SwapCard app
- 12h30-14h | Déjeuner de Networking
- La date limite pour s'enregistrer est le Mercredi 26 Février 2020
- Prix: Membres du FBC: AED 850 (TVA incl.) – Non-Membres: AED 1500 (TVA incl.)
- Les places étant limitées, la politique du « premier arrivé, premier servi s'appliquera »
Pour plus d'informations ou si vous souhaitez devenir sponsor de cet événement, veuillez contacter: valerie.allardlatour(@)fbcdubai.com
NB: Le FBC se réserve le droit de refuser un participant si son entreprise ne correspond pas à l'objectif de l'événement.

08:00 - 08:40 | Inscription et welcome coffee |
08:40 - 08:45 | "Swap Card app" introduction by the Master of Ceremony |
08:45 - 09:05 |
Cérémonie d'ouverture H.E. Mattar Al TAYER, Chairman and Executive Director of Roads and Transport Authority H.E. Ludovic POUILLE, Ambassador of France to the United Arab Emirates |
09:05 - 09:15 |
Keynote speech : RTA's TOP PROJECT PRESENTATION Dr. Maher SHIRAH, Expert CEO Office - Corporate Technology Support Services, Roads & Transport Authority (RTA) |
09:15 - 10:00 |
PANEL 1: Sustainable Mobility Nada JASSIM, Director of Security and Risk Management and Planning at the Department of Corporate Strategy - Roads and Transport Authority (RTA) Philippe DIEBOLD, Chief Technical Officer RATP Dev Cecile TEXIER, VP Sustainability & CSR - ALSTOM Stephan GOBERT, Head of Strategy - ENGIE Marielle VILLAMAUX, Chief Client Officer - TRANSDEV |
10:00 - 10:20 |
Business Case “From internal data valorization to external data monetization: how to take advantage of all the public transport data?” Guillaume MARTINETTI, Chief Data Officer - RATP Dev |
10:20 - 11:00 |
PANEL 2: INNOVATIVE SOLUTIONS EMBEDDED WITHIN FIRST AND LAST MILE Eng Muna Al OSAIMI, Director of the Transportation Strategic Planning Department - Roads and Transport Authority (RTA) Marc GRANGER, Chief Strategy Officer - ALSTOM Vincent CABANES, Senior Manager – International Business Development - VULOG Arnaud ROUAULT VP Sales EMEA - NAVYA |
11:00 - 11:30 | Coffee Break and Networking |
11:30 - 12:30 |
PITCH SESSION “BLOCKCHAIN & SMART MOBILITY SOLUTIONS” in the Auditorium Pitch session aims to provide startupper and creative minds, working in the various fields of smart mobility and blockchain, a unique opportunity to pitch their business ideas to RTA specialists Moderator: Jean-Luc SCHERER, Founder & CEO - Innoopolis OR BtoB meetings and interactions in the pre-function of the Auditorium with the support of SwapCard app |
12:30 - 14:00 | Networking luncheon |
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Business Engagement Summit 2020
L'événement est terminé.