Magazines (special edition to promote countries and their activities, luxury or business oriented), brochures, design, print, communication, PR, media content

H3J is the publishing company of Madame Magazine, le Guide des Emirats and Global Trend Monitor. Madame Magazine, is the only free, printed luxury magazine in French and English distributed in the UAE. Culture, travels, life in the Gulf, interviews, portraits, restaurant and hotel reviews, sustainability, wellbeing... are some of the topics of the magazine. We create "special editions" to promote countries and events. The magazine is distributed in the hotels, restaurants, coffee shops, business councils, consulates, embassies, Alliances françaises, doctors waiting rooms, universities, clinics, airports of Dubai and Abu Dhabi (lounges, on board all flights of Etihad Airways in first and business classes, media stands in the arrival and departure terminals...) etc. Le Guide des Emirats is a yearly guide in French for tourists and expats. GTM is a business magazine.
We also create brochures and leaflets (design, print).
Our PR branch offers different services such as brand PR notes, press releases, media content, photography, editorials...

Contact H3J Madame Magazine

Catherine GILBERT - +971553545207 and +33621174493 - catherine(@) 


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