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A Pressing issue in the industry by Nissrine Elqobai
Our region is living today “almost” post covid recovery, what a supply chain lesson and wakeup call the world received and still we are not out of it.
All the industry providers had to be extremely creative to how to support the private and public sector during this period, and literally how to keep to boat going.
In our region, I can see two pressing issues that cannot be ignored anymore: Firstly, is the need to understand what your supply chain is made of and roadmap to transform it from now. Ensure to have a precise plan for the next five to ten years and review it every year and every quarter, short term and long term are today one you cannot split them anymore, but you cannot ignore them either.
Secondary, how can our region catch up with digitalization? when a lot of our local companies and local governments runs their businesses or operations with very less transparency, systems, connections with their suppliers and customers.
How are our local companies and governmental entities can keep up with this overwhelming wave of digital transformation, data crunching, supply chain issues daily and a huge lack of talent?
Well, the only solution is to take it one step at a time, starting with a precise diagnosis of “where the organization is standing today in their operations, systems and people”. It is not easy to take this first step and it is for sure scary to discover that most of what is existing in your organization is outdated. however, you have no choice but to take this step if you want to know where you're going and how it will affect your cashflow and customers.
Our region is booming and no organization can ignore the fact having a strong supply chain, or let us say it in other words, managing your informational and physical flows is now in the top priorities, if it is not then you are still in pre covid world.
Supply chain and digital transformation are frightening words for most companies in the Middle East and Africa, and we suspect they are for others as well. However, you claim that you are losing customers or not gaining new ones, and that your costs are rising as a result of inventory shortages, incorrect product or service assortment, and a lack of visibility.
Let’s face it, it is very difficult with the fast cycle we are in to tackle all the supply chain and digital subjects, that is why it is crucial to lay them down and draw your own personalized roadmap. There is “no one size fits all”, each business is unique and customer requirements are so volatile that “copy paste” is not a solution today. But learning from the best and the experiences we just went through will help you draw your own roadmap and find the solutions that fits your customers, suppliers, partners and your own internal organization
The pressing challenges of post-pandemic supply chains (
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Nissrine Elqobai