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Arab World Tour

The Cercle d'Études Scientifiques Pierre Rayer, in collaboration with Copains du monde, Mérite et dévouement français, Étoile Civique, and the World

United Arab Emirates

The Cercle d'Études Scientifiques Pierre Rayer, in collaboration with Copains du monde, Mérite etdévouement français, Étoile Civique, and the World League for the Right to Happiness will launch the second step of The Arab World Tour on April 25th.

This tour aims to present and promote the universality of culture to encourage world unity around common values; to raise awareness of the importance of the Right to Happiness through cultural access. This Tour, planned in the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, and Egypt, is addressed to the world of art and culture and the whole world, as its stakes are cultural, financial, and even geopolitical.

The Cercle d'Études Scientifiques Pierre Rayer will present Universae Analysis, "The Method of Analysis and Interpretation of Works of Art," which demonstrates that there is only one common origin to all the cultures of Humanity: a vector of peace between peoples around art, culture, and the transmission of the Knowledge of the world's cultural heritage to the youth and the whole society.

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