Business Engagement Summits - Looking Back on Previous Editions

The Roads and Transport Authority and CCI FRANCE UAE created the initiative of collaboratively organizing a “Business Engagement Summit” in RTA headquarters in September 2017, February 2019 and March 2020 and at the France Pavilion in Expo 2020 in February 2022.

Those events were attended by 200C-suite level, Directors and Senior Managers from the Emirati and the French public and private sector.

Topics of the previous editions 

2017 - Investment – PPP – Mobility - Innovation

  • MOU signed with city of Lyon
  • Panel discussion: new financing models in mobility
  • Exhibition area on the ground floor for the sponsors

5 workshops

  1. Infrastructure transportation projects
  2. First and last mile strategy
  3. Operations and maintenance of transport networks
  4. Passengers/customers experience
  5. Transit oriented development

2019 - Future of Mobility – Innovation

  • Panel discussion: commercial transformation in the context of public transport services
  • Panel discussion: future of mobility, digitalization and autonomous vehicles
  • Keynote speech: autonomous vehicles, how France is shaping the future of mobility

3 workshops

  1. Autonomous vehicles
  2. Smart cities
  3. Use of big data and digitalization

2020 - Sustainable and Futuristic Mobility Solutions

  • RTA’s top projects – presentation
  • Panel discussion: Sustainable mobility
  • Business Case: From internal data valorization to external data monetization: how to take advantage of all the public transport data?
  • Panel discussion: Innovative Solutions embedded within first and last mile
  • Keynote: Blockchain applications in transportation
  • Pitch sessions: Blockchain & Smart Mobility Solutions
  • Mobility Village

2022 - Innovative and Sustainable Solutions - Building the City of Tomorrow

  • Panel Discussion: Innovation in transportation & Mobility Solutions post Covid
  • Cross-Interview: Multimodal solutions as mobility services
  • Panel Discussion: Renewable energies for a sustainable mobility
  • Business Case - “Société du Grand Paris” 
  • Mobility Village

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