Sustainability in Leadership: Climate Fresk Workshop Insights with CCI's Members Key Managers

We at CCI France UAE are thrilled to reflect on last Wednesday's 13 March Climate Fresk Executive Edition workshop we organized with Climate Fresk UAE in partnership with Alliance Francaise, where Key Managers Members where attending. A big shout-out to Alex MISSERI and Mireille VANVOLSEM for their exceptional facilitation. 🌍✨

📚 Definitely, this interactive card-based training is a fantastic tool at every level of your organization, offering actionable insights and Awareness. We spent a great time exploring together, through rich discussions and shared insights, deepening our understanding of climate change challenges. The energy and spirit of everyone involved were truly inspiring.

🤲 TIME TO ACT : Let’s keep the momentum going and continue to inspire each other towards making a tangible difference.

🔄 A special thank you to Alstom; Air France; Credit Agricole; Innoviz Advisory; Media One Hotel; Milwaukee; Pentabell; Think Tech; Trouvay & Cauvin; and Vinci Energies, whose key managers joined us. Your commitment to sustainability and leadership in the face of climate challenges is key for our collective future.

#ClimateFresk #Sustainability #Leadership #ClimateAction #CCIFranceUAE

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