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Interview of the "Grand Prix PME 2018" Winner

Thierry Karim Louesse, Owner & Managing Director of FRACTAL SYSTEMS FZCO and winner of the "Grand Prix PME 2018" answered our questions.

1/ Why did you decide to compete for “Grand Prix PME 2018” organized by the French Trade Advisors in the United Arab Emirates ?

“Grand Prix PME 2018” is a very prestigious prize, organized by the « Foreign French Trade Advisors » rewarding French Companies who contribute to spread the « French Touch » in terms of Innovation, Creativity and Technology. Because of the Quality of its referees, the Seriousness and the Credibility of this entity, this prize is heavily sought-after by the SMEs. We were proud being shortlisted in the first instance, and finally an honour to win it. I would like to also thank the « FBC » who for the last 4 years has accompanied Fractal Systems in its development and has persuaded us to compete for this prize.

2/ What is your activity field and your main achievements?

Fractal Systems Fractal Systems is aiming to Design, Develop, Conceptualize, for the Corporates, Shows, Fairs and others actors of the Industry of Event…, some Technologies, to explain on playful, simple and impressive way the message that the Customer wants to display. The message can consist of explaining New industrial processes, Vision of the Future, Launching products, Innovative Processes…, name it ! .

The customer wants to have his message remembered, and indubitably ask us to developp Mindblowing Technologies. In that regard, we need to associate under an unique roof, different fields of Engineering which may not necessarly talk together : Mechatronics, Micro-electronique, Programming, Computer Created Images, etc…

This is this a cross platform integration capability which really makes the specificity of Fractal Systems. Communication and Collaboration has to be smooth and efficient to finally be able to deliver innovative products very often called « Techno-Art »..

In terms of Achievement, I can proudly say that some of them became World wide best sellers and are now part of Big Events, or concerts of International Artist. We have provided some Entertainment for the concerts of Rhianna, Justin Bieber, Rolling Stones…, to mention few.

However my main satisfaction resides in the fact that Fractal is today a real creative company from its head  to toes.

All Fractal’s employees are involved in the creative concept.

Innovation is in Fractal’s DNA.

We do have some tools and rewards encouraging this cloud of creativity.

L’innovation est dans l’ADN de Fractal.

On top of our 65 employees, we are nurturing a hundred internships who come for their last year before graduation.

It’s very rewarding to witness their passion growing along the elaboration of the unlikely project and their fresh mind pushes us out of our boundaries.

They keep us informed of the new concepts, and their creative impertinence keeps me alert!

3/ What’s next for Fractal Systems?

Fractal Sytems will continue to tirelessly develop new Technology concepts and will explore new Markets.

In term  of Technology, we have to stay ahead! We are endlessly copied and this is a great indicator of our performance.

My partner, Renaud Barbier, is one of the most genious Engineer I have ever met.

He always manages to give reality to our crazy ideas.

When our customers very often ask me « you can really do it.. ? », I use to answer « not me…but he will do it! » turning my head toward him.

30% of our Expenses are related to R&D.

Our « Kinetic DNA » is our latest top concept which has been recently acclaimed as a stunning product.

We have still hundreds of ideas in our box, and few of them will reach the Market very soon.

On other hand, we will continue to develop our collaboration with the Universities, as well as our Partnership with International renowned Event and Show Companies.


In term of Market, Fractal Systems will continue to invest massively in the UAE, where it became the reference in this domain, due to the Ingeniosity of our products.

But again thank you very much to the « French Business Council » and the others French entities who promotes our know-how.


We are exporting our products all around the World but we will have a special focus on KSA market where we did a couple of well welcomed performances.

We are as well more and more sollicited for permanent installations and « Techno-Art » for Museums, Hotels and Landmarks.

And of Course last but not least, Expo2020 will be a massive opportunity.

We are already involved in a dozen of Pavilion who are seeking for our technology and ask us to develop some new concepts.

In conclusion, I would like to thank again the Foreign French Trade Advisors for organizing this contest, the FBC for its continuous support and the Leaders of this beautiful country, who have setup an healthy environment dedicated to the Entrepreneurship, Creativity and Happiness.

The UAE are the nest of Fractal Systems, and will remain it for a while.

My son TILL,  who a is a Mechanical Engineer graduated from the local Campus of the « Rochester Institute of Technology », is keen and work very hard to take the reins in the future.

Thierry Karim Louesse, Owner & Managing Director of FRACTAL SYSTEMS FZCO 


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