The Link - Our Monthly Newsletter

🚀 The May edition has just been released!

In this edition, you'll explore:

🗓 A lineup of upcoming events, including Annual General Meeting, Business Engagement Summit, and the French Tuesday / Wednesday event. Mark your calendar to ensure you don't miss out on these valuable opportunities!

🔎 Dive into the highlights of our Member’s latest news and events, featuring grand openings, exciting product launches, noteworthy project announcements, and a roundup of events organized by our dynamic members.

👉 Get the latest updates and news directly from us, including team highlights and upcoming partner events. Plus, find valuable tips to maximize the benefits of your membership!

Discover this edition now!


Wishing you a good reading!



Evènements  • …

The Fridge Warehouse  â€¢  Dubai

[In French] Club Synergy Dubai

Le "Club SYNERGY" rassemble des entrepreneurs et des représentants de petites et moyennes entreprises présentes aux Emirats Arabes Unis.

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