COP28: CCI France UAE Conference - Exploring Innovation in Protection and Restauration for “LAND & SEA”

COP28: CCI France UAE Conference - Second Enlightening Evening at Our “Orange Zone”: Exploring Innovation in Protection and Restauration for “LAND & SEA” (Dec 8), aligning with COP28's “Nature, Land Use, and Oceans” Day & “International Climate Action” Day.

Our second panel discussion, themed “Saving our Planet: Climate Emergency, Innovations for Coastal Restoration and Terrestrial Waste Collection,” organized by CCI France UAE in partnership with Alliance Française, and supported by our sponsor RECAPP by Veolia, showcased the “savoir-faire” and success stories of innovative French and local companies making a daily difference in the UAE:

👏 A heartfelt thank you to our panelists for sharing their expertise and vision on sustainable practices, biodiversity protection, and climate change mitigation:

  1. Jerome VIRICEL, General Manager at RECAPP Veolia Middle East, introduced the UAE's pioneering mobile collection application, the “One Clic” solution for doorstep waste collection;
  2. Darryl OWEN, Founder of Project REEFrame and CEO of Freestyle Divers, shared his inspiring work in bringing new corals to life and in marine habitat restoration, along with his commitment to Youth awareness while restoring UAE's coastal areas;
  3. Elise D'EPENOUX, our expert on bridging land and sea issues, from a plastic pollution standpoint, stressed the urgent need to scale up and accelerate preservation and restoration efforts in our oceans.

The engaging discussion, kicked off with a powerful film from Marie Laurence Cipriani, co-founder of Follow Me Production, was nicely orchestrated by our passionate Moderator, Joao SOUSA.

Additionally, a nod of appreciation to our French artists, Christophe CHELLAPERMAL and Valerie MANOUVRIER, that offered us in our Gallery their unique and powerful vision, a complementary perspective in raising awareness about the danger facing our planet.

Together, we were reminded of the URGENCY of climate issues and the pivotal role of innovation in steering our path towards a sustainable future:

WE CAN, and indeed must, collectively shape a more sustainable world for everyone.


Evènements  • …

Pullman Dubai Downtown  •  Dubai

Working Together Forum

The objective of this event is to provide an efficient platform for companies to explore available business opportunities.


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